HP dm4-1004tu 노트북 (i5-430m)
의 윈도우7 이 깔려있는데
vmware server 1.0.10에 코분투를 깔려고 했는데요
설치 화면으로 안들어가고 터미널 창으로 나오면서
"Your CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections.
Please check your BIOS settings, or for more information, run:
/usr/bin/chekc-bios-nx --verbose"
라고 뜨네요
밑에걸 실행해보니
"This CPU is family 6, model 37, and has NX capabilities but is unable to
use these protective features because the BIOS is configured to disable
the capability. Please enable this in your BIOS. For more details, see:
뭐가 문제일까요, 애구…