오픈오피스 설치 후 freeNX 접속에러 발생

오픈 오피스를 다운 받아 설치 후에

뭔가 잘 안되길래 리부팅을 했더니

다음부터 freeNX 접속이 안되네요

NX로 원격 접근해서 작업했는데

아래는 로그입니다

Info: Display running with pid ‘3272’ and handler ‘0x2b07ca’.

NXPROXY - Version 3.3.0

Copyright (C) 2001, 2007 NoMachine.
See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.

Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid ‘2044’.
Session: Starting session at ‘Fri Jun 19 16:22:36 2009’.
Info: Connection with remote proxy completed.
Info: Using ADSL link parameters 512/24/1/0.
Info: Using cache parameters 4/4096KB/16384KB/16384KB.
Info: Using pack method ‘adaptive-7’ with session ‘gnome’.
Info: Using ZLIB data compression 1/1/32.
Info: Using ZLIB stream compression 4/4.
Info: Using cache file ‘C:\DOCUME~1\hdlee\NX73F8~1/cache-gnome/S-AB1251E23AC8EA4A7C62596D3ED7C545’.
Info: Forwarding X11 connections to display ‘:0’.
Info: Listening to font server connections on port ‘11000’.
Session: Session started at ‘Fri Jun 19 16:22:36 2009’.
Info: Established X server connection.
Info: Using shared memory parameters 0/0K.
Session: Terminating session at ‘Fri Jun 19 16:22:38 2009’.
Session: Session terminated at ‘Fri Jun 19 16:22:38 2009’.

뭐가 문제인 걸까요

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