이것 설치하실 수 있는 분, 설치하는 방법 알려주세요. 혹은 다른 괜찮은 것도 있으면 추천해 주시길 바래요.
이것도 설치해 보고 싶은데 절차가 까다롭네요.
/usr/local/denim/에서 압축파일을 풀고 터미널에서 java -jar denim.jar을 입력하라는 것 같은데요
[quote:h2oel4vu]Installation Instructions
denim-2_1.tgz should be downloading now. If not, click here.
Save it to any directory.
When downloading is finished, pick or create a directory under which install DENIM, say /usr/local.
Move denim-2_1.tgz into that directory, and then gunzip and untar it:
tar xfz denim-2_1.tgz or
gunzip -c denim-2_1.tgz | tar xf -
This creates a directory under /usr/local called denim.
To run DENIM
We will assume you installed DENIM into /usr/local/denim.
To run DENIM, go to /usr/local/denim/ and type ./denim. Alternatively, go to /usr/local/denim/bin and type java -jar denim.jar.
You can access the documentation from the menu->Help->Contents.[/quote:h2oel4vu]