Virtualbox에서 physical 하드에 설치된 윈도우 부팅가능한가요?

하드웨어는 i3-2100, asrock h67m,내장그래픽사용입니다.

제 계획은 네이티브로 우분투와 윈도우를 설치하고.
오락을 하게될경우 윈도우로 부팅.
그 외의 경우(ex인터넷뱅킹,activex 문제등) 우분투에서 virtualbox를 통해 윈도우를 부팅시켜서 사용하려고 합니다.

일단 윈도우와(sda1) 우분투(sda2:/boot sda5:/ sda6:/home)는 설치하였고 virtualbox에서 윈도우를 부팅시키려고하는데 잘 되지 않아 질문드립니다.

ubuntu 11.04에 DKMS, virtualbox 4.0.6을 설치하였습니다.
disk, vboxuser 그룹에 계정을 등록하였습니다.

vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename sda1.vmdk -rawdis /dev/sda1
로 sda1을 연결해보았더니 부팅이 안됐습니다. -(sda로 만들었다가 실수로 리눅스-sda2를 다시 켜서 꼬이지 않도록)

부팅가능한 usb를 연결하여 확인해보니 sdb1은 부팅이 되지 않고, sdb는 부팅이 되는것을 확인했습니다.

그래서 sda를 만들고 윈도우로 부팅을 시켜 보았는데 10분이상 멈춘채로 있습니다.

  • f8을 눌러서 안전모드로 확인해보면 윈도우부팅과정(아래 로딩하는 파일들이 나오다 사라짐)중에 멈춥니다.

제가 뭔가 빠뜨린게 있는건가요.

반대의 경우(리눅스)는 가능하지만,
윈도는 보드만 바껴도 다시 설치해야 될 정도로 우수한 os라서,
직접 부팅했을때와 vbox로 윈도를 실행 했을때 하드웨어가 틀리다고 인식해서 제대로 동작하지 않는것 같더군요.더군요.

윈도는 안 됩니다. 리눅스는 부팅 할 때마다 커널에서 필요한 모듈을 올리지만 윈도는 설치할 때 보드 칩셋이 바뀌면 커널이 제대로 실행되지 못하고(커널이라면 NTOSKRNL.exe -XP기준 )뻗어주시는 기현상을 보입니다. MS는 극대화로 최적화된 코드를 위해 하드웨어 IO관련 드라이버를 해당 컴퓨터에 맞는 녀석만 설치하고 싹 날려주십니다. (아닌 경우도 있는데 표준 IDE/PCI드라이버를 설치해주시는 경우도 있습니다. 후에 하드웨어 벤더에서 드라이버를 제공합니다. 이걸 설치하면 극대화된(?)최적화드라이버가 설치되는 것이지요.) 문제는 이게 다른 칩을 지원을 안 하기 때문에 파란화면을 보여주시며 죽어버립니다.

따라서, 그냥 일반적인 방법으로는 안 됩니다. 뭐… 표준 PCI/IDE드라이버를 설치하고 각종 삽질을 해버리면 될 가능성도 있겠습니다만, 당연히 불안정 해질 테니 그닥…

삽질해본 결과. 적어주신대로

네이티브에서 설치한 윈도우는 virtualbox에서 안뜨고
virtualbox에서 설치한 윈도우는 네이티브에서 안뜹니다… ;

virtualbox를 포기하고 vmware를 설치했더니 11.04에서는 뭔가가 안맞아서 계속 창이 죽습니다… ... and-unity/

를 참고해서 vmware를 살려놓고 돌렸는데…
virtualbox에서 설치한 윈도우는 vmware에서도 안돕니다…

반쯤 포기하고 관련 메뉴얼을 봤더니 ... files.html

하드웨어 프로파일을 가상/네이티브로 만들어서 사용하면 된다고 되어있습니다.
다시 싹 밀고 삽질을 좀더 해봐야겠습니다…

반쯤 포기하고 관련 메뉴얼을 봤더니 ... files.html

하드웨어 프로파일을 가상/네이티브로 만들어서 사용하면 된다고 되어있습니다.
다시 싹 밀고 삽질을 좀더 해봐야겠습니다…[/quote:3f2ugbfp]

이러면 맥에서의 패러랠즈같이 쓰시려는 건가요? 이거 성공하면 대박아닐까요? (평상시에는 그냥 가상모드로 쓰다가 게임같은거 돌릴때는 네이티브부팅. 맥에서 이렇게 쓰는 사람 많이 있지요 Bootcamp로 설치하면 패러랠즈에서 자동 감지해서 가상으로도 쓸 수 있습니다.)

윈도우가 virtualbox와 네이티브 둘다 동시에 돌아가도록 대충 정리를 끝냈습니다.
다음번 삽질하실분을 위해 제 삽질을 적겠습니다.

DKMS, virtualbox 설치
sudo usermod -a -G disk (id)
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers (id)
id로 그룹권한을 받은것 확인(재로그인해야함.)
vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename sdc.vmdk -rawdis /dev/sdc
로 physical하드 이미지 생성

블루스크린이 뜨고 문제가 생겨서 ... n2kxp.html

를 참고했습니다.

버철박스로 돌렸을때 블루스크린에 나온 에러는 INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE-0x0000007B ( … ernalId=36) 였고
2.IDE Driver
3.?? 가 있습니다.
제경우 에러가 떳던 원인은 ACPI였습니다.

일단 ACPI 문제를 해결하기위해 VMOSKRNL.exe와 VMHAL.dll을 따로해서 부팅하는 방법이 나와있는데, Virtualbox의 경우 옵션-시스템에서 enable IO ACPI 선택해주면 해결됩니다.

그 다음 IDE 컨트롤러는 윈도우 장치관리자에서 IDE 컨트롤러를 '표준 이중채널 IDE’컨트롤러로 바꾸면 됩니다. SSD쓰시는 분들이 IDE->AHCI모드로 가면서 글 써 놓으신게 많이 있습니다.

그밖에 Virtualbox에서 삽질 내용입니다.
virtualbox 그래픽 설정에서 2d,3d 가속을 선택하면 윈도우 곰플레이어에서 화면이 하얗게 나오는 증상을 보였습니다. 저는 일단 virtualbox 가속기능을 꺼서 해결했습니다. -d3d는 윈도우가 호스트인 경우만 지원한다는 글을 보았습니다.(사실인지 불확실함)
virtualbox 오디오는 guest가 windows인경우 ich ac97만 사용가능하답니다.(이것도 글만봄. 다른 드라이버 선택시 사운드 안잡힘) - 호스트는 Alsa 드라이버로 선택했습니다.(곰플레이어에서 소리가 끊기는것 같아 바꿨는데 일단 현재는 안끊깁니다.)
윈도우키… Unity에서 윈도우키를 여러가지로 잘 활용하는것 때문인지 버철박스에서 윈도우키가 안먹습니다. 단축키를 다 해제하자니 우분투에서 불편해지고… 현재까지 해결 못했습니다.

똑같은걸 VMWare에서도 반복해 보았습니다…만 해결을 못했습니다.
ACPI를 위해 boot모드에서 VMHAL과 VMOSKRNL을 만들고 부팅하고 표준 이중채널 IDE로 설정해도 계속 INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE 메시지를 띄우며 죽었습니다.
acpi를 지원한다고 해서 chipset.onlineStandby = true,false 둘다 해보았으나 잘 실패했습니다.

vmware에서 가상하드에 윈도우를 설치했었는데 윈도우키가 virtualbox처럼 잘 안먹는걸 보고(유니티키랑 겹쳐서 두개가 동시에뜸…) 일단 멈춰둔 상태입니다.
나중에 사용하다가 불편해서 삽질하게되면 글을 붙이겠습니다.

위의 SJ0000님을 글을 따라해 보았습니다.

가상하드까지는 잘 만들어졌는데

버박에서 돌려보면 까만 화면만 나오고 더이상 진행이 않됨니다.

그래서 이리저리 뒤지다가 로그를 발견해서 밑에 복사해 넣습니다.
무엇이 문제인지 좀알려주세요(전 영어가 아주 안됨니다)

00:00:00.535 VirtualBox 4.0.6 r71344 linux.x86 (Apr 21 2011 11:30:33) release log
00:00:00.535 Log opened 2011-05-09T07:27:03.360200000Z
00:00:00.535 OS Product: Linux
00:00:00.535 OS Release: 2.6.35-28-generic
00:00:00.535 OS Version: #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011
00:00:00.535 DMI Product Name:
00:00:00.535 DMI Product Version:
00:00:00.536 Host RAM: 1974MB RAM, available: 1601MB
00:00:00.536 Executable: /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox
00:00:00.536 Process ID: 3157
00:00:00.536 Package type: LINUX_32BITS_UBUNTU_10_10
00:00:00.632 Using XKB for keycode to scan code conversion
00:00:00.651 SUP: Loaded VMMR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0) at 0xfa7cb020 - ModuleInit at 00000000fa7e0d20 and ModuleTerm at 00000000fa7e0cf0
00:00:00.651 SUP: VMMR0EntryEx located at 00000000fa7e0bd0, VMMR0EntryFast at 00000000fa7dfca0 and VMMR0EntryInt at 00000000fa7dfaf0
00:00:00.678 File system of ‘/home/my/VirtualBox VMs/realwin7/Snapshots’ (snapshots) is unknown
00:00:00.678 File system of ‘/media/vm/win7.vmdk’ is fuse
00:00:00.707 VBoxSharedClipboard mode: Bidirectional
00:00:00.739 ************************* CFGM dump *************************
00:00:00.739 [/] (level 0)
00:00:00.739 CSAMEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 CpuExecutionCap <integer> = 0x0000000000000064 (100)
00:00:00.739 EnablePAE <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 HwVirtExtForced <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 MemBalloonSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Name <string> = "realwin7" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PATMEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PageFusion <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 RamHoleSize <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912)
00:00:00.739 RamSize <integer> = 0x000000002c400000 (742391808)
00:00:00.739 RawR0Enabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 RawR3Enabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 TimerMillies <integer> = 0x000000000000000a (10)
00:00:00.739 UUID <bytes> = "76 d1 a2 03 d2 57 d1 42 a5 81 6c 17 cd 18 99 d8" (cb=16)
00:00:00.739 [/CPUM/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 SyntheticCpu <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/8237A/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/8237A/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainAudioSniffer" (cb=17)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/AudioSniffer/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Object <integer> = 0x00000000b330aca0 (3006311584)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000004 (4)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 GuestCoreDumpDir <string> = "/home/my/VirtualBox VMs/realwin7/Snapshots" (cb=43)
00:00:00.739 RamSize <integer> = 0x000000002c400000 (742391808)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "HGCM" (cb=5)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Object <integer> = 0x00000000093ff398 (155186072)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/VMMDev/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be8b8 (154921144)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/acpi/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/acpi/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000007 (7)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/acpi/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 CpuHotPlug <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 FdcEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 HostBusPciAddress <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 HpetEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 IOAPIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 IocPciAddress <integer> = 0x0000000000010000 (65536)
00:00:00.739 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 RamHoleSize <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912)
00:00:00.739 RamSize <integer> = 0x000000002c400000 (742391808)
00:00:00.739 ShowCpu <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 ShowRtc <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 SmcEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "ACPIHost" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/acpi/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x000000000000000d (13)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Bootable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PortCount <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PrimaryMaster <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PrimarySlave <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 SecondaryMaster <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:00.739 SecondarySlave <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "Block" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "VD" (cb=3)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:00.739 BlockCache <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 Format <string> = "VMDK" (cb=5)
00:00:00.739 Path <string> = "/media/vm/win7.vmdk" (cb=20)
00:00:00.739 Type <string> = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 UseNewIo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Type <string> = "HardDisk" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/ahci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be7c0 (154920896)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/apic/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/apic/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/apic/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 IOAPIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 AdapterType <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 CableConnected <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 LineSpeed <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 MAC <bytes> = "08 00 27 09 7b 9f" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "NAT" (cb=4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 AliasMode <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 BootFile <string> = "realwin7.pxe" (cb=13)
00:00:00.739 DNSProxy <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Network <string> = "" (cb=12)
00:00:00.739 PassDomain <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 TFTPPrefix <string> = "/home/my/.VirtualBox/TFTP" (cb=26)
00:00:00.739 UseHostResolver <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/e1000/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be898 (154921112)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/hda/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/hda/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000005 (5)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/hda/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "AUDIO" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/hda/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 AudioDriver <string> = "pulse" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 StreamName <string> = "realwin7" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8254/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8254/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8254/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8259/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8259/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/i8259/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/mc146818/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/mc146818/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/mc146818/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 UseUTC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/parallel/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcarch/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcarch/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcarch/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcbios/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcbios/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 BootDevice0 <string> = "FLOPPY" (cb=7)
00:00:00.739 BootDevice1 <string> = "DVD" (cb=4)
00:00:00.739 BootDevice2 <string> = "IDE" (cb=4)
00:00:00.739 BootDevice3 <string> = "NONE" (cb=5)
00:00:00.739 FloppyDevice <string> = "i82078" (cb=7)
00:00:00.739 HardDiskDevice <string> = "piix3ide" (cb=9)
00:00:00.739 IOAPIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 LanBootRom <string> = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/PXE-Intel.rom" (cb=85)
00:00:00.739 McfgBase <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 McfgLength <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 NumCPUs <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PXEDebug <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 RamHoleSize <integer> = 0x0000000020000000 (536870912)
00:00:00.739 RamSize <integer> = 0x000000002c400000 (742391808)
00:00:00.739 SataHardDiskDevice <string> = "ahci" (cb=5)
00:00:00.739 SataPrimaryMasterLUN <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 SataPrimarySlaveLUN <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 SataSecondaryMasterLUN <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:00.739 SataSecondarySlaveLUN <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:00.739 UUID <bytes> = "76 d1 a2 03 d2 57 d1 42 a5 81 6c 17 cd 18 99 d8" (cb=16)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/NetBoot/0/] (level 6)
00:00:00.739 NIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pci/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 IOAPIC <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "KeyboardQueue" (cb=14)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainKeyboard" (cb=13)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:00.739 Object <integer> = 0x00000000093c4298 (154944152)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000040 (64)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MouseQueue" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainMouse" (cb=10)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/AttachedDriver/Config/] (level 6)
00:00:00.739 Object <integer> = 0x00000000093c4540 (154944832)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pckbd/0/LUN#1/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 QueueSize <integer> = 0x0000000000000080 (128)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/pcnet/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Type <string> = "PIIX4" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "Block" (cb=6)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#2/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Mountable <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 Type <string> = "DVD" (cb=4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/piix3ide/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000003 (3)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be7b0 (154920880)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/serial/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x000000000000000b (11)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ehci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be8c0 (154921152)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000006 (6)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "VUSBRootHub" (cb=12)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainStatus" (cb=11)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/usb-ohci/0/LUN#999/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 First <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Last <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 papLeds <integer> = 0x00000000093be8bc (154921148)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/vga/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/vga/0/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 PCIBusNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 PCIDeviceNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:00.739 PCIFunctionNo <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 Trusted <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/vga/0/Config/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 CustomVideoModes <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 FadeIn <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 FadeOut <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 HeightReduction <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 LogoFile <string> = "" (cb=1)
00:00:00.739 LogoTime <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 MonitorCount <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 ShowBootMenu <integer> = 0x0000000000000002 (2)
00:00:00.739 VRamSize <integer> = 0x0000000001000000 (16777216)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 Driver <string> = "MainDisplay" (cb=12)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/vga/0/LUN#0/Config/] (level 5)
00:00:00.739 Object <integer> = 0x00000000093c4960 (154945888)
00:00:00.739 [/Devices/virtio-net/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/HWVirtExt/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 64bitEnabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 EnableLargePages <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 EnableNestedPaging <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 EnableVPID <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 Enabled <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 Exclusive <integer> = 0x0000000000000001 (1)
00:00:00.739 [/MM/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 CanUseLargerHeap <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/AsyncCompletion/File/BwGroups/] (level 4)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/BlkCache/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 CacheSize <integer> = 0x0000000000500000 (5242880)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/Devices/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/Devices/VBoxEhci/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Path <string> = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.x86/" (cb=95)
00:00:00.739 R0SearchPath <string> = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.x86" (cb=81)
00:00:00.739 RCSearchPath <string> = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.x86" (cb=81)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/Drivers/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/PDM/Drivers/VBoxC/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 Path <string> = "/usr/lib/virtualbox/components/VBoxC" (cb=37)
00:00:00.739 [/TM/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 UTCOffset <integer> = 0x0000000000000000 (0)
00:00:00.739 [/USB/] (level 1)
00:00:00.739 [/USB/USBProxy/] (level 2)
00:00:00.739 [/USB/USBProxy/GlobalConfig/] (level 3)
00:00:00.739 ********************* End of CFGM dump **********************
00:00:00.739 MM: cbHyperHeap=0x140000 (1310720)
00:00:00.750 Logical host processors: 2 present, 2 max, 2 online, online mask: 0000000000000003
00:00:00.750 ************************* CPUID dump ************************
00:00:00.750 RAW Standard CPUIDs
00:00:00.750 Function eax ebx ecx edx
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000000 00000005 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
00:00:00.750 Hst: 0000000a 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000001 000006fd 00000800 00000209 078bf1bf
00:00:00.750 Hst: 000006fd 01020800 0000e39d bfebfbff
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000002 05b0b101 005657f0 00000000 2cb4307d
00:00:00.750 Hst: 05b0b101 005657f0 00000000 2cb4307d
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 04000121 01c0003f 0000003f 00000001
00:00:00.750 Gst: 00000005 00000040 00000040 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000040 00000040 00000003 00022220
00:00:00.750 Name: GenuineIntel
00:00:00.750 Supports: 0-5
00:00:00.750 Family: 6 Extended: 0 Effective: 6
00:00:00.750 Model: 15 Extended: 0 Effective: 15
00:00:00.750 Stepping: 13
00:00:00.750 Type: 0 (primary)
00:00:00.750 APIC ID: 0x00
00:00:00.750 Logical CPUs: 0
00:00:00.750 CLFLUSH Size: 8
00:00:00.750 Brand ID: 0x00
00:00:00.750 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
00:00:00.750 FPU - x87 FPU on Chip = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 DE - Debugging extensions = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PSE - Page Size Extension = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 TSC - Time Stamp Counter = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 MSR - Model Specific Registers = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PAE - Physical Address Extension = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 MCE - Machine Check Exception = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 APIC - APIC On-Chip = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 10 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SEP - SYSENTER and SYSEXIT = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PGE - PTE Global Bit = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 MCA - Machine Check Architecture = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 CMOV - Conditional Move Instructions = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PAT - Page Attribute Table = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extention = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PSN - Processor Serial Number = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 CLFSH - CLFLUSH Instruction. = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 20 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 DS - Debug Store = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 ACPI - Thermal Mon. & Soft. Clock Ctrl.= 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 MMX - Intel MMX Technology = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 SSE - SSE Support = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 SSE2 - SSE2 Support = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 SS - Self Snoop = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 HTT - Hyper-Threading Technology = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 TM - Thermal Monitor = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 30 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PBE - Pending Break Enable = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 Supports SSE3 = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 PCLMULQDQ = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 DS Area 64-bit layout = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 Supports MONITOR/MWAIT = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 CPL-DS - CPL Qualified Debug Store = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 VMX - Virtual Machine Technology = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SMX - Safer Mode Extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Enhanced SpeedStep Technology = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 Terminal Monitor 2 = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 Supplemental SSE3 instructions = 1 (1)
00:00:00.750 L1 Context ID = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 11 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 FMA extensions using YMM state = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 CMPXCHG16B instruction = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 xTPR Update Control = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 Perf/Debug Capability MSR = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 16 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PCID - Process-context identifiers = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 DCA - Direct Cache Access = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SSE4.1 instruction extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SSE4.2 instruction extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Supports the x2APIC extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MOVBE instruction = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 POPCNT instruction = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 TSC-Deadline LAPIC timer mode = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 AESNI instruction extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 XSAVE/XRSTOR extended state feature = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Supports OSXSAVE = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 AVX instruction extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 29/30 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0)
00:00:00.750 31 - Reserved (always 0) = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 RAW Extended CPUIDs
00:00:00.750 Function eax ebx ecx edx
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000000 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000001 20100000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000002 65746e49 2952286c 726f4320 4d542865
00:00:00.750 Hst: 65746e49 2952286c 726f4320 4d542865
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000003 44203229 43206f75 20205550 54202020
00:00:00.750 Hst: 44203229 43206f75 20205550 54202020
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000004 30303935 20402020 30322e32 007a4847
00:00:00.750 Hst: 30303935 20402020 30322e32 007a4847
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000005 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000006 00000000 00000000 08006040 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000000 00000000 08006040 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000008 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Hst: 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000
00:00:00.750 Gst: 80000009 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503*
00:00:00.750 Hst: 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.750 Ext Name:
00:00:00.750 Ext Supports: 0x80000000-0x80000008
00:00:00.750 Family: 0 Extended: 0 Effective: 0
00:00:00.750 Model: 0 Extended: 0 Effective: 0
00:00:00.750 Stepping: 0
00:00:00.750 Brand ID: 0x000
00:00:00.750 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
00:00:00.750 FPU - x87 FPU on Chip = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 VME - Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 DE - Debugging extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PSE - Page Size Extension = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 TSC - Time Stamp Counter = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MSR - K86 Model Specific Registers = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PAE - Physical Address Extension = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MCE - Machine Check Exception = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 CX8 - CMPXCHG8B instruction = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 APIC - APIC On-Chip = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 10 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SEP - SYSCALL and SYSRET = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MTRR - Memory Type Range Registers = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PGE - PTE Global Bit = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MCA - Machine Check Architecture = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 CMOV - Conditional Move Instructions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PAT - Page Attribute Table = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PSE-36 - 36-bit Page Size Extention = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 18 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 19 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 NX - No-Execute Page Protection = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 DS - Debug Store = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 AXMMX - AMD Extensions to MMX Instr. = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 MMX - Intel MMX Technology = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 FXSR - FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instructions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 25 - AMD fast FXSAVE and FXRSTOR Instr.= 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 26 - 1 GB large page support = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 27 - RDTSCP instruction = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 28 - Reserved = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 29 - AMD Long Mode = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 30 - AMD Extensions to 3DNow = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 31 - AMD 3DNow = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 LahfSahf - LAHF/SAHF in 64-bit mode = 0 (1)
00:00:00.750 CmpLegacy - Core MP legacy mode (depr) = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SVM - AMD VM Extensions = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 APIC registers starting at 0x400 = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 AltMovCR8 - LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8 = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Advanced bit manipulation = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SSE4A instruction support = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Misaligned SSE mode = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 OS visible workaround = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Instruction based sampling = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SSE5 support = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 SKINIT, STGI, and DEV support = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 Watchdog timer support. = 0 (0)
00:00:00.750 31:14 - Reserved = 0x0 (0x0)
00:00:00.750 Full Name: Intel(R) Core™2 Duo CPU T5900 @ 2.20GHz
00:00:00.750 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni: res0 0 entries
00:00:00.750 TLB 2/4M Data: res0 0 entries
00:00:00.750 TLB 4K Instr/Uni: res0 0 entries
00:00:00.750 TLB 4K Data: res0 0 entries
00:00:00.750 L1 Instr Cache Line Size: 0 bytes
00:00:00.750 L1 Instr Cache Lines Per Tag: 0
00:00:00.750 L1 Instr Cache Associativity: res0
00:00:00.750 L1 Instr Cache Size: 0 KB
00:00:00.750 L1 Data Cache Line Size: 0 bytes
00:00:00.750 L1 Data Cache Lines Per Tag: 0
00:00:00.750 L1 Data Cache Associativity: res0
00:00:00.750 L1 Data Cache Size: 0 KB
00:00:00.750 L2 TLB 2/4M Instr/Uni: off 0 entries
00:00:00.750 L2 TLB 2/4M Data: off 0 entries
00:00:00.750 L2 TLB 4K Instr/Uni: off 0 entries
00:00:00.750 L2 TLB 4K Data: off 0 entries
00:00:00.750 L2 Cache Line Size: 0 bytes
00:00:00.750 L2 Cache Lines Per Tag: 0
00:00:00.750 L2 Cache Associativity: off
00:00:00.750 L2 Cache Size: 0 KB
00:00:00.750 APM Features:
00:00:00.750 Physical Address Width: 36 bits
00:00:00.750 Virtual Address Width: 48 bits
00:00:00.750 Guest Physical Address Width: 0 bits
00:00:00.750 Physical Core Count: 0
00:00:00.750 RAW Centaur CPUIDs
00:00:00.750 Function eax ebx ecx edx
00:00:00.750 Gst: c0000000 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.750 Hst: 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.750 Gst: c0000001 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.750 Hst: 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.750 Gst: c0000002 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.751 Hst: 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.751 Gst: c0000003 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.751 Hst: 07280202 00000000 00000000 00000503
00:00:00.751 Centaur Supports: 0xc0000000-0x07280202
00:00:00.751 Mnemonic - Description = guest (host)
00:00:00.751 AIS - Alternate Instruction Set = 0 (1)
00:00:00.751 AIS-E - AIS enabled = 0 (1)
00:00:00.751 RNG - Random Number Generator = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 RNG-E - RNG enabled = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 LH - LongHaul MSR 0000_110Ah = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 FEMMS - FEMMS = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 ACE - Advanced Cryptography Engine = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 ACE-E - ACE enabled = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 ACE2 - Advanced Cryptography Engine 2 = 0 (1)
00:00:00.751 ACE2-E - ACE enabled = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 PHE - Hash Engine = 0 (1)
00:00:00.751 PHE-E - PHE enabled = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 PMM - Montgomery Multiplier = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 PMM-E - PMM enabled = 0 (0)
00:00:00.751 ******************** End of CPUID dump **********************
00:00:00.751 pgmR3PoolInit: cMaxPages=0x400 cMaxUsers=0x800 cMaxPhysExts=0x800 fCacheEnable=true
00:00:00.771 REM: VBoxREM32
00:00:00.782 TM: GIP - u32Mode=1 (SyncTSC) u32UpdateHz=83
00:00:00.811 TM: cTSCTicksPerSecond=0x7f55ff7b (2 136 342 395) fTSCVirtualized=true fTSCUseRealTSC=false
00:00:00.811 TM: fMaybeUseOffsettedHostTSC=true TSCTiedToExecution=false TSCNotTiedToHalt=false
00:00:00.812 CoreCode: R3=00b2d000 R0=faab7000 RC=a046a000 Phys=000000002ec64000 cb=0x3000
00:00:00.831 AIOMgr: Default manager type is "Async"
00:00:00.831 AIOMgr: Default file backend is "NonBuffered"
00:00:00.831 BlkCache: Cache successfully initialised. Cache size is 5242880 bytes
00:00:00.831 BlkCache: Cache commit interval is 10000 ms
00:00:00.831 BlkCache: Cache commit threshold is 2621440 bytes
00:00:00.940 [SMP] BIOS with 1 CPUs
00:00:00.991 SUP: Loaded VBoxDDR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDDR0.r0) at 0xfac1b020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:01.000 SUP: Loaded VBoxDD2R0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDD2R0.r0) at 0xfac52020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:01.000 Activating Local APIC
00:00:01.000 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Enabled APIC
00:00:01.000 CPUMSetGuestCpuIdFeature: Disabled x2APIC
00:00:01.000 PIT: mode=3 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:01.016 Shared Folders service loaded.
00:00:01.028 Chipset cannot do MSI: VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
00:00:01.028 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored
00:00:01.028 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
00:00:01.028 VDInit finished
00:00:01.028 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file ‘/media/vm/win7.vmdk’ (flags 00000723) created successfully
00:00:01.029 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file ‘/dev/sda1’ (flags 000c0723) created successfully
00:00:01.029 AHCI: LUN#0: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 335155200
00:00:01.029 AHCI: LUN#0: using async I/O
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: LUN#0: disk, PCHS=16383/16/63, total number of sectors 335155200
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: LUN#1: no unit
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: Ctl: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: LUN#2: no unit
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: LUN#3: no unit
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: Ctl: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: Ctl: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.029 AHCI ATA: Ctl: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#0: no unit
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#1: no unit
00:00:01.029 DrvBlock: Flushes will be ignored
00:00:01.029 DrvBlock: Async flushes will be passed to the disk
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#2: CD/DVD, total number of sectors 0, passthrough disabled
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: LUN#3: no unit
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#0: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.029 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.057 NAT: value of BindIP has been ignored
00:00:01.057 Chipset cannot do MSI: VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
00:00:01.057 Audio: Trying driver ‘pulse’.
00:00:01.060 Pulse: open PCM_IN rate=44100Hz channels=2 format=s16le
00:00:01.060 Pulse: Requested record buffer attributes: maxlength=26460 fragsize=17640
00:00:01.076 Pulse: Obtained record buffer attributes: maxlength=26460 fragsize=8820
00:00:01.076 HDAcodec: can’t open in fmt(freq: 44100)
00:00:01.076 Pulse: open PCM_OUT rate=44100Hz channels=2 format=s16le
00:00:01.076 Pulse: Requested playback buffer attributes: maxlength=26460 tlength=17640 prebuf=-1 minreq=-1
00:00:01.118 Pulse: Obtained playback buffer attributes: maxlength=26460 tlength=12348 prebuf=8824 minreq=3528
00:00:01.118 HDAcodec: can’t open out fmt(freq: 44100)
00:00:01.118 SUP: Loaded VBoxEhciR0.r0 (/usr/lib/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack/linux.x86/VBoxEhciR0.r0) at 0xf80d9020 - ModuleInit at 0000000000000000 and ModuleTerm at 0000000000000000
00:00:01.151 DevPcBios: SATA LUN#0 LCHS=1024/255/63
00:00:01.151 PGM: The CPU physical address width is 36 bits
00:00:01.151 PGMR3InitFinalize: 4 MB PSE mask 0000000fffffffff
00:00:01.174 VMM: fUsePeriodicPreemptionTimers=true
00:00:01.174 HWACCM: No VT-x or AMD-V CPU extension found. Reason VERR_VMX_NO_VMX
00:00:01.193 VM: Halt method global1 (5)
00:00:01.193 HaltedGlobal1 config: cNsSpinBlockThresholdCfg=2000
00:00:01.193 Changing the VM state from ‘CREATING’ to ‘CREATED’.
00:00:01.194 Changing the VM state from ‘CREATED’ to ‘POWERING_ON’.
00:00:01.194 AIOMgr: Endpoints without assigned bandwidth groups:
00:00:01.194 AIOMgr: /dev/sda1
00:00:01.194 AIOMgr: /media/vm/win7.vmdk
00:00:01.194 Changing the VM state from ‘POWERING_ON’ to ‘RUNNING’.
00:00:01.207 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={09eed313-cd56-4d06-bd56-fac0f716b5dd} aComponent={Display} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false
00:00:01.211 Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 4.0.6
00:00:01.212 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:01.227 ERROR [COM]: aRC=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80bb0005) aIID={09eed313-cd56-4d06-bd56-fac0f716b5dd} aComponent={Display} aText={Could not take a screenshot (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)}, preserve=false
00:00:01.255 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago)
00:00:01.255 PIIX3 ATA: Ctl#1: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.257 AHCI ATA: Ctl: RESET, DevSel=0 AIOIf=0 CmdIf0=0x00 (-1 usec ago) CmdIf1=0x00 (-1 usec ago)
00:00:01.257 AHCI ATA: Ctl: finished processing RESET
00:00:01.258 Guest Log: BIOS: ata2-0: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63
00:00:01.259 PIT: mode=2 count=0x48d3 (18643) - 64.00 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:01.264 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=b067f000 w=640 h=480 bpp=32 cbLine=0xA00, flags=0x1
00:00:01.296 2D video acceleration is disabled.
00:00:03.745 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=00000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1
00:00:03.746 PIT: mode=2 count=0x10000 (65536) - 18.20 Hz (ch=0)
00:00:03.748 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from Floppy 0 failed
00:00:03.749 Guest Log: BIOS: CDROM boot failure code : 0003
00:00:03.749 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from CD-ROM failed
00:00:03.751 Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from Hard Disk…