[quote="Lutinaroa":17wpkefe]잡음 문제는 보통 지터나 클립핑 혹은 언더런일 가능성이 있는데, 비쥬얼박스라면 ALSA 와 비쥬얼박스 사운드드라이브 간의 버퍼 용량 부족일 가능성이 상당합니다. 혹은 사용하시는 프로그램에서 버퍼 용량을 늘려보세요.[/quote:17wpkefe]
두 분 답변 감사드립니다.
제가 아직 리눅스로 완전히 넘어오기에는 아직 해결해야할 문제가 있어서 당분간은 힘들 것 같습니다.
[quote:34xlgr23]Poor performance caused by host power management
On some hardware platforms and operating systems, virtualization peformance is negatively affected by host CPU power management. The symptoms may be [b:34xlgr23][i:34xlgr23]choppy audio[/i:34xlgr23][/b:34xlgr23] in the guest or erratic guest clock behavior.
Some of the problems may be caused by firmware and/or host operating system bugs. Therefore, updating the firmware and applying operating systems fixes is recommended.
For optimal virtualization performance, the C1E power state support in the system’s BIOS should be disabled, if such a setting is available (not all systems support the C1E power state). Disabling other power management settings may also improve performance. However, a balance between performance and power consumption must always be considered.[/quote:34xlgr23]