root@hcy-System-Product-Name:~# sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Restarting web server apache2 [Fri Apr 12 23:17:47 2013] [error] (EAI 5)No address associated with hostname: Could not resolve host name *.80 – ignoring!
[Fri Apr 12 23:17:47 2013] [error] (EAI 5)No address associated with hostname: Could not resolve host name *.8080 – ignoring!
… waiting [Fri Apr 12 23:17:48 2013] [error] (EAI 5)No address associated with hostname: Could not resolve host name *.80 – ignoring!
[Fri Apr 12 23:17:48 2013] [error] (EAI 5)No address associated with hostname: Could not resolve host name *.8080 – ignoring!
아파치 재시작을 하면 위와같이 에러가 뜹니다. 설정한다고 이것저것 만진게 있는데 그것 때문인지 몰라도…
여튼… etc/apache2 안에 파일들 다 초기화 하고 싶어서 삭제해서 다시 깔려고 하는데, apache2 폴더는 안사라지네요?
저건 우분투 깔때부터 있던건가요? 어떻게 지우고 다시 설치할수있을까요