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blacklist rt2800usb
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Re: RT2870. Help!
Wireless usb : Asus USB-N11
Chip : Ralink rt2870
Finally my wireless usb is detected by ubuntu karmic, and connect to internet.
Here are the procedures to get it done for those who have the rt2870 chipset.
To make your wireless dectectable.
Step 0 : At terminal, aaa@ubuntu:~$ sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Add “blacklist rt2800usb” without quote at the end of the file, then save it.
Step 1 : Download the latest rt2870 driver ( 2009_0820_RT2870_Linux_STA_V2.2.0.0.tar.bz2 ) from Ralink.
Step 2 : Untar the file and save to your home folder, and name it (my folder is rt2870).
Step 3 : Don’t plug your wireless usb at this moment, at terminal aaa@ubuntu:~$ type lsusb.
Step 4 : Now plug in your wireless usb to the computer, type lsusb again, you will find your wireless usb ID (8 digits). Write it down.
Step 5 : Check your
At aaa@ubuntu:~/rt2870/os/linux$, sudo gedit usb_main_dev.c, check your usb device is included, if not, add your wireless usb ID. Save the file. It is quite interesting for my asus usb ID, I have to add two lines.
{USB_DEVICE(0x0B05,0x1761)}, /* Asus /
{USB_DEVICE(0x1761,0x0B05)}, / Asus */
Step 6 : At same terminal , sudo gedit config.mk, and change two settings.
Support Wpa_Supplicant
Support Native WpaSupplicant for Network Maganger
Step 7 : At aaa@ubuntu:~/rt2870$, sudo gedit Makefile, check the folllowing at the top of the file:
CHIPSET = 2870
If ok, close the file. If not, change the setting as above.
Step 8: rt2870 2.2.00 version do not support kernel 2.6.31-14-generic, so you have to do a patch.
Googling RT2870-2.6.31.patch, download it to rt2870 folder, then do the patch. If you get a message of unable to patch, then download and install Patch_2.5.9-5_amd64.deb. You will then able to patch RT2870-2.6.31.patch
At aaa@ubuntu:~/rt2870$ patch -p1 < rt2870-2.6.31.patch
Step 9 : At aaa@ubuntu:~/rt2870$, do the compilation.
sudo make uninstall
sudo make clean
sudo make
sudo make install
Step 10 : At aaa@ubuntu:~$ sudo modprobe rt2870sta
Step 11 : At aaa@ubuntu”~$ sudo gedit /etc/rc.local, add following two lines prior to exit0.
ifconfig ra0 up
pkill NetworkManager
save it, then at same terminal, sudo gedit /etc/modules, add rt2870sta, then save the file.
Step 12 :At aaa@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig or iwconfig, you will see your wireless is up as ra0 or wlan0.
Step 13 : Now configure networkmanager, use wep instead of wpa-psk or wpa2-psk. Your wireless will be able to connect to the internet. If there’s no connection, then do step 13.
Step 13 : Update networkmanager. Go to System – Software Sources – Other software, add the following line
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/trunk/ubuntu karmic main
It works.