소리 지연 문제 해결법



  1. Firstly browse to the .veetle_vlc folder located in your home folder using nautilus (or your favourite file browser).

  2. Rename the "vlc" file into something else. I have renamed it as "vlcori" which is the short for vlc original but you are free to give it any name at all.

  3. Create a new document called vlc by right-clicking on the nautilus window, selecting "Create Document" and clicking "Empty File"

  4. Now double click the vlc file you have created. The file be opened with gedit (or your default file editor).

  5. Type (or copy-paste) the following code inside the file:

#! /bin/sh
exec ~/.veetle_vlc/vlcori --aout oss "$@"

  1. If you renamed your original vlc file as something different than vlcori, make sure you have changed the code above according to the name you gave.

  2. Save the file, close gedit,

  3. Right click the vlc file you have created, click "Properties", then "Permissions" tab, make sure "Allow executing file as program" is selected, if not click the checkbox beside it, and finally click "Apply"

  4. Close nautilus, enjoy veetle.[/quote:37dqkhzp]

veetle 폴더의 vlc를 vlcori 로 바꾼 후, 하나의 빈 문서를 만든다. 빈문서 이름은 vlc로 하고 문서를 열어 내용을 입력한다.

[code:37dqkhzp]#! /bin/sh
exec ~/.veetle_vlc/vlcori --aout oss "$@"[/code:37dqkhzp]

저장 후 veetle 영상을 보면 끝. 만약 이렇게 했는데 브라우져가 얼어 버리는 현상이 나타나면,
위 내용을 고친다. 고칠 부분은 oss. oss를 sdl로 바꾼다. 끝.